Alumni Association of National Taiwan University, Malaysia (AANTUM) Odoo Version 14.0

Information about the Alumni Association of National Taiwan University, Malaysia (AANTUM) instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Enterprise website builder
Email Marketing
Design, send and track emails
Form Builder & integration of professional and versatile Forms to collect any information you need for your business.
Forms | reCAPTCHA Component
Drag & drop a reCAPTCHA component with (server)verification on a Form.
Forms | Mail
Send Forms via mail
Forms | Partner
Forms integration with Partners e.g. contacts, clients, customers, suppliers
Forms | QWeb Reports
Generate (PDF) reports for every Form
Forms | Storage Filestore
Store uploads/files by URL in Odoo filestore (attachments)
Forms | Website (Block etc)
Form Block, other website integration
Manage and publish an eLearning platform
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Create surveys and analyze answers
Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A